KEGG 04540 Gap junction

88  hsa genes in this database.
86  mmu genes in this database.
87  rno genes in this database.
84  gga genes in this database.
132  dre genes in this database.
94  mcc genes in this database.
88  cfa genes in this database.
86  fca genes in this database.

List of genes in hsa

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
107 , M ADCY1 adenylate cyclase 1
108 , P ADCY2 adenylate cyclase 2
109 , P ADCY3 adenylate cyclase 3
111 , P ADCY5 adenylate cyclase 5
112 , P ADCY6 adenylate cyclase 6
113 , P ADCY7 adenylate cyclase 7
114 , P ADCY8 adenylate cyclase 8
115 , P ADCY9 adenylate cyclase 9
153 , P ADRB1 adrenoceptor beta 1
983 , Y CDK1 cyclin dependent kinase 1
1453 , N CSNK1D casein kinase 1 delta
1812 , P DRD1 dopamine receptor D1
1813 , P DRD2 dopamine receptor D2
1902 , P LPAR1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
1950 , E EGF epidermal growth factor
1956 , S EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
2697 , P GJA1 gap junction protein alpha 1
2767 , Y GNA11 G protein subunit alpha 11
2770 , Y GNAI1 G protein subunit alpha i1
2771 , Y GNAI2 G protein subunit alpha i2
2773 , Y GNAI3 G protein subunit alpha i3
2776 , K GNAQ G protein subunit alpha q
2778 , Y GNAS GNAS complex locus
2885 , Y GRB2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
2911 , P GRM1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 1
2915 , P GRM5 glutamate metabotropic receptor 5
2977 , N GUCY1A2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 2
2982 , Y GUCY1A1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
2983 , Y GUCY1B1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
3265 , Y HRAS HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase
3356 , P HTR2A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
3357 , P HTR2B 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
3358 , P HTR2C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C
3708 , P ITPR1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1
3709 , P ITPR2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2
3710 , P ITPR3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3
3845 , Y KRAS KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
4893 , Y NRAS NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
5154 , S PDGFA platelet derived growth factor subunit A
5155 , S PDGFB platelet derived growth factor subunit B
5156 , S PDGFRA platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
5159 , P PDGFRB platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
5330 , N PLCB2 phospholipase C beta 2
5331 , N PLCB3 phospholipase C beta 3
5332 , N PLCB4 phospholipase C beta 4
5566 , Y PRKACA protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha
5567 , Y PRKACB protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
5568 , Y PRKACG protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit gamma
5578 , Y PRKCA protein kinase C alpha
5579 , Y_N PRKCB protein kinase C beta
5582 , Y PRKCG protein kinase C gamma
5592 , Y PRKG1 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1
5593 , Y PRKG2 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 2
5594 , Y MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
5595 , Y MAPK3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
5598 , N MAPK7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
5604 , Y MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
5605 , M MAP2K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
5607 , K MAP2K5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
5894 , N RAF1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
6654 , N SOS1 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
6655 , N SOS2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
6714 , Y SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase
7082 , N TJP1 tight junction protein 1
7277 , K TUBA4A tubulin alpha 4a
7278 , K TUBA3C tubulin alpha 3c
7280 , Y TUBB2A tubulin beta 2A class IIa
7846 , K TUBA1A tubulin alpha 1a
10376 , K TUBA1B tubulin alpha 1b
10381 , Y TUBB3 tubulin beta 3 class III
10382 , M TUBB4A tubulin beta 4A class IVa
10383 , Y_N TUBB4B tubulin beta 4B class IVb
10746 , N MAP3K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
23236 , N PLCB1 phospholipase C beta 1
51807 , Y TUBA8 tubulin alpha 8
56034 , S PDGFC platelet derived growth factor C
57369 , P GJD2 gap junction protein delta 2
79861 , Y TUBAL3 tubulin alpha like 3
80310 , S PDGFD platelet derived growth factor D
81027 , Y TUBB1 tubulin beta 1 class VI
84617 , Y_N TUBB6 tubulin beta 6 class V
84790 , Y TUBA1C tubulin alpha 1c
112714 , K TUBA3E tubulin alpha 3e
113457 , K TUBA3D tubulin alpha 3d
196883 , P ADCY4 adenylate cyclase 4
203068 , Y TUBB tubulin beta class I
347688 , Y TUBB8 tubulin beta 8 class VIII
347733 , Y TUBB2B tubulin beta 2B class IIb

List of genes in mmu

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
11512 , P Adcy6 adenylate cyclase 6
11513 , P Adcy7 adenylate cyclase 7
11514 , P Adcy8 adenylate cyclase 8
11515 , P Adcy9 adenylate cyclase 9
11554 , P Adrb1 adrenergic receptor, beta 1
12534 , Y Cdk1 cyclin-dependent kinase 1
13488 , P Drd1 dopamine receptor D1
13489 , P Drd2 dopamine receptor D2
13645 , E Egf epidermal growth factor
13649 , S Egfr epidermal growth factor receptor
14609 , P Gja1 gap junction protein, alpha 1
14617 , P Gjd2 gap junction protein, delta 2
14672 , Y Gna11 guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 11
14677 , Y Gnai1 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 1
14678 , Y Gnai2 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 2
14679 , Y Gnai3 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 3
14682 , K Gnaq guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha q polypeptide
14683 , Y Gnas GNAS (guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha stimulating) complex locus
14745 , P Lpar1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
14784 , Y Grb2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
14816 , P Grm1 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1
15461 , Y Hras Harvey rat sarcoma virus oncogene
15558 , P Htr2a 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A
15559 , P Htr2b 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2B
15560 , P Htr2c 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C
16438 , P Itpr1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor 1
16439 , P Itpr2 inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 2
16440 , P Itpr3 inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3
16653 , M Kras Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
18176 , Y Nras neuroblastoma ras oncogene
18590 , S Pdgfa platelet derived growth factor, alpha
18591 , S Pdgfb platelet derived growth factor, B polypeptide
18595 , P Pdgfra platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide
18596 , P Pdgfrb platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide
18747 , Y Prkaca protein kinase, cAMP dependent, catalytic, alpha
18749 , Y Prkacb protein kinase, cAMP dependent, catalytic, beta
18750 , Y Prkca protein kinase C, alpha
18751 , Y Prkcb protein kinase C, beta
18752 , Y Prkcg protein kinase C, gamma
18795 , N Plcb1 phospholipase C, beta 1
18796 , Y Plcb2 phospholipase C, beta 2
18797 , N Plcb3 phospholipase C, beta 3
18798 , N Plcb4 phospholipase C, beta 4
19091 , Y Prkg1 protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I
19092 , Y_N Prkg2 protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type II
20662 , N Sos1 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
20663 , N Sos2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
20779 , Y Src Rous sarcoma oncogene
21872 , N Tjp1 tight junction protein 1
22142 , K Tuba1a tubulin, alpha 1A
22143 , K Tuba1b tubulin, alpha 1B
22144 , K Tuba3a tubulin, alpha 3A
22145 , Y Tuba4a tubulin, alpha 4A
22146 , K Tuba1c tubulin, alpha 1C
22147 , K Tuba3b tubulin, alpha 3B
22151 , Y Tubb2a tubulin, beta 2A class IIA
22152 , Y Tubb3 tubulin, beta 3 class III
22153 , Y_N Tubb4a tubulin, beta 4A class IVA
22154 , Y_N Tubb5 tubulin, beta 5 class I
23938 , M Map2k5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
23939 , N Mapk7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
26395 , N Map2k1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
26396 , M Map2k2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
26405 , N Map3k2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
26413 , Y Mapk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
26417 , Y Mapk3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
53857 , K Tuba8 tubulin, alpha 8
54195 , Y Gucy1b1 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 1
54635 , S Pdgfc platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide
60596 , Y Gucy1a1 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 1
67951 , Y_N Tubb6 tubulin, beta 6 class V
71785 , S Pdgfd platelet-derived growth factor, D polypeptide
73710 , Y Tubb2b tubulin, beta 2B class IIB
104110 , P Adcy4 adenylate cyclase 4
104111 , P Adcy3 adenylate cyclase 3
104318 , Y Csnk1d casein kinase 1, delta
108071 , P Grm5 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5
110157 , N Raf1 v-raf-leukemia viral oncogene 1
210044 , P Adcy2 adenylate cyclase 2
224129 , P Adcy5 adenylate cyclase 5
227613 , Y_N Tubb4b tubulin, beta 4B class IVB
234889 , N Gucy1a2 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 2
238463 , K Tubal3 tubulin, alpha-like 3
239134 , N Gucy1b2 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 2
432530 , P Adcy1 adenylate cyclase 1
545486 , Y_N Tubb1 tubulin, beta 1 class VI

List of genes in rno

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
24316 , P Drd1 dopamine receptor D1
24318 , P Drd2 dopamine receptor D2
24329 , P Egfr epidermal growth factor receptor
24392 , P Gja1 gap junction protein, alpha 1
24414 , P Grm1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 1
24418 , P Grm5 glutamate metabotropic receptor 5
24525 , M Kras KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
24605 , Y Nras NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
24628 , S Pdgfb platelet derived growth factor subunit B
24629 , P Pdgfrb platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
24654 , N Plcb1 phospholipase C beta 1
24680 , Y Prkca protein kinase C, alpha
24681 , Y Prkcg protein kinase C, gamma
24703 , N Raf1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
24896 , N Gnas GNAS complex locus
24925 , P Adrb1 adrenoceptor beta 1
25023 , Y Prkcb protein kinase C, beta
25031 , Y Plcb4 phospholipase C, beta 4
25187 , P Htr2c 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C
25202 , Y Gucy1b1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
25206 , Y Gucy1b2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 2
25262 , P Itpr1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 1
25266 , S Pdgfa platelet derived growth factor subunit A
25267 , S Pdgfra platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
25289 , P Adcy6 adenylate cyclase 6
25313 , P Egf epidermal growth factor
25523 , Y_N Prkg2 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 2
25636 , M Prkaca protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha
25643 , Y Gnai3 G protein subunit alpha i3
25679 , P Itpr3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 3
25686 , Y Gnai1 G protein subunit alpha i1
29213 , Y_N Tubb4a tubulin, beta 4A class IVa
29214 , Y_N Tubb5 tubulin, beta 5 class I
29241 , P Adcy8 adenylate cyclase 8
29322 , N Plcb3 phospholipase C beta 3
29568 , Y Map2k5 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 5
29581 , P Htr2b 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
29595 , P Htr2a 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
50564 , P Gjd2 gap junction protein, delta 2
50689 , Y Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3
54223 , P Adcy4 adenylate cyclase 4
54237 , Y Cdk1 cyclin-dependent kinase 1
54286 , Y Prkg1 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1
58960 , M Map2k2 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 2
64158 , K Tuba1a tubulin, alpha 1A
64462 , Y Csnk1d casein kinase 1, delta
64508 , P Adcy3 adenylate cyclase 3
64532 , P Adcy5 adenylate cyclase 5
66012 , N Gucy1a2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 2
66018 , S Pdgfd platelet derived growth factor D
79429 , S Pdgfc platelet derived growth factor C
81504 , Y Grb2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
81636 , P Adcy2 adenylate cyclase 2
81662 , Y Gna11 G protein subunit alpha 11
81664 , Y Gnai2 G protein subunit alpha i2
81666 , K Gnaq G protein subunit alpha q
81678 , P Itpr2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2
83805 , Y Src SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase
84420 , P Adcy7 adenylate cyclase 7
85240 , N Plcb2 phospholipase C, beta 2
85384 , N Sos2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
114509 , N Mapk7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
116590 , Y Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1
116744 , P Lpar1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
170851 , N Map2k1 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1
171492 , N Map3k2 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
246118 , Y Tubb3 tubulin, beta 3 class III
291081 , Y Tubb2b tubulin, beta 2B class IIb
291287 , Y Tubal3 tubulin, alpha-like 3
292994 , Y_N Tjp1 tight junction protein 1
293508 , Y Prkacb protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
293621 , Y Hras HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase
296554 , Y_N Tubb4b tubulin, beta 4B class IVb
300218 , K Tuba1c tubulin, alpha 1C
302950 , P Adcy9 adenylate cyclase 9
305509 , P Adcy1 adenylate cyclase 1
307351 , Y_N Tubb6 tubulin, beta 6 class V
313845 , N Sos1 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
316531 , K Tuba4a tubulin, alpha 4A
367858 , Y LOC367858 similar to GTPase HRas precursor (Transforming protein p21) (p21ras) (H-Ras-1) (c-H-ras)
497757 , Y Gucy1a1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
498736 , Y Tubb2a tubulin, beta 2A class IIa
500319 , K Tuba3a tubulin, alpha 3A
500363 , K Tuba3b tubulin, alpha 3B
500377 , K Tuba8 tubulin, alpha 8
500929 , K Tuba1b tubulin, alpha 1B
679312 , Y_N Tubb1 tubulin, beta 1 class VI

List of genes in gga

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
373933 , P GRM5 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5
373953 , Y MAPK3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
374077 , Y GNA11 G protein subunit alpha 11
374097 , Y GNAI3 G protein subunit alpha i3
374128 , S PDGFB platelet derived growth factor subunit B
374196 , S PDGFA platelet derived growth factor subunit A
386572 , Y GRB2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
395273 , P GJD2 gap junction protein delta 2
395278 , P GJA1 gap junction protein alpha 1
395339 , P ADCY9 adenylate cyclase 9
395340 , P ADCY6 adenylate cyclase 6
395412 , P ITPR1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1
395469 , S PDGFC platelet derived growth factor C
395509 , P PDGFRA platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide
395581 , P HTR2B 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
396229 , Y HRAS HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase
396245 , N RAF1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
396252 , Y CDK1 cyclin dependent kinase 1
396254 , Y_N TUBB tubulin beta class I
396349 , M MAP2K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
396367 , Y GNAI2 G protein subunit alpha i2
396368 , Y GNAI1 G protein subunit alpha i1
396426 , K TUBA8B tubulin alpha 8B
396427 , N TUBB1 tubulin beta 1 class VI
396442 , N SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase
396494 , P EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
408035 , E EGF epidermal growth factor
415388 , N TJP1 tight junction protein 1
415549 , Y MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
415557 , Y_N MAP2K5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
415732 , P ADCY7 adenylate cyclase 7
416567 , Y_N PRKCB protein kinase C beta
416694 , K TUBAL3 tubulin alpha like 3
416695 , S LOC416695 tubulin alpha-3 chain-like
416730 , Y PLCB4 phospholipase C beta 4
417255 , Y_N TUBB4B tubulin beta 4B class IVb
417378 , Y CSNK1D casein kinase 1 delta
417430 , Y PRKCA protein kinase C alpha
418166 , K TUBA8A tubulin alpha 8A
418207 , M KRAS KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
418212 , P ITPR2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2
418978 , S PDGFD platelet derived growth factor D
419313 , M GNAS GNAS complex locus
419885 , Y NRAS neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog
419910 , P ITPR3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3
420328 , P ADCY8 adenylate cyclase 8
420788 , P ADCY1 adenylate cyclase 1
420883 , Y TUBB2B tubulin beta 2B class IIb
420935 , P ADCY2 adenylate cyclase 2
421037 , Y_N TUBB6 tubulin beta 6 class V
421169 , K TUBA5 tubulin, alpha 5
421614 , P GRM1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 1
422013 , P ADCY3 adenylate cyclase 3
422407 , Y GUCY1A3 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha
422408 , Y GUCY1B3 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta
423014 , N PLCB2 phospholipase C beta 2
423572 , N SOS2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
423682 , M PRKG1 protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I
424225 , N MAP3K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
424542 , Y PRKACB protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
425049 , K TUBA3E tubulin alpha-3 chain-like
427262 , K GNAQ G protein subunit alpha q
427339 , P LPAR1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
427633 , P DRD1 dopamine receptor D1
427687 , N PLCB1 phospholipase C beta 1
428070 , P HTR2A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
428252 , P DRD2 dopamine receptor D2
428707 , P HTR2C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C
428753 , Y PRKG2 protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type II
429035 , K TUBA1A tubulin alpha 1a
429128 , Y GUCY1B4 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 4
431043 , Y TUBB3 tubulin, beta 3 class III
431192 , N SOS1 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
768337 , Y TUBB2A tubulin, beta 2A class IIa
770488 , S PDGFRB platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
771678 , N GUCY1A2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 2
100857214 , K TUBA4AL tubulin alpha 4A like
100857247 , M TUB4A tubulin alpha 4A
100857858 , K LOC100857858 tubulin alpha-1C chain-like
100858386 , Y LOC100858386 uncharacterized LOC100858386
100859181 , N PRKACA protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, alpha
100859737 , K LOC100859737 tubulin alpha-1A chain-like
101750705 , P ADRB1 adrenoceptor beta 1
107050028 , P LOC107050028 adenylate cyclase type 6-like

List of genes in dre

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
30236 , P gja1b gap junction protein alpha 1b
30380 , Y nras NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
30716 , N raf1a Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase a
80973 , Y cdk1 cyclin-dependent kinase 1
282557 , P drd2a dopamine receptor D2a
322106 , Y csnk1da casein kinase 1, delta a
323509 , S gnaia guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide a
325084 , Y src v-src avian sarcoma (Schmidt-Ruppin A-2) viral oncogene homolog
326020 , Y prkg3 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 3
327377 , K tuba4l tubulin, alpha 4 like
327650 , Y gnai2b guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 2b
335798 , Y zgc:65894 zgc:65894
336421 , Y gnai2a guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 2a
336681 , Y_N tubb4b tubulin, beta 4B class IVb
337223 , K tuba5 tubulin alpha 5
360144 , Y mapk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
368461 , P lpar1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
373080 , K tuba1b tubulin, alpha 1b
378444 , P gjd2b gap junction protein delta 2b
378478 , S egfra epidermal growth factor receptor a (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian)
378480 , S pdgfaa platelet-derived growth factor alpha polypeptide a
378718 , P drd2l dopamine receptor D2 like
378719 , P drd2b dopamine receptor D2b
378845 , N tjp1a tight junction protein 1a
386701 , Y tubb5 tubulin, beta 5
386856 , Y pdgfra platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide
393154 , Y tuba8l4 tubulin, alpha 8 like 4
393228 , Y zgc:55558 zgc:55558
393664 , K tuba8l2 tubulin, alpha 8 like 2
393946 , Y gnai1 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1
393953 , Y prkcbb protein kinase C, beta b
393998 , Y prkacba protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, beta a
394005 , Y prkg1a protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1a
399480 , Y mapk3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
403045 , P egf epidermal growth factor
406303 , K tuba2 tubulin, alpha 2
406308 , Y grb2b growth factor receptor-bound protein 2b
406533 , Y csnk1db casein kinase 1, delta b
406728 , Y map2k1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
406811 , Y_N zgc:55461 zgc:55461
407700 , E plcb4 phospholipase C, beta 4
431777 , K tuba7l tubulin, alpha 7 like
445076 , Y prkacab protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, alpha, genome duplicate b
445164 , Y tuba8l3 tubulin, alpha 8 like 3
445289 , M kras v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
493609 , Y grb2a growth factor receptor-bound protein 2a
493613 , K gna11b guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11b (Gq class)
497384 , Y prkcaa protein kinase C, alpha, a
541323 , N mapk7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
550286 , Y hrasa HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase a
550420 , Y gucy1a1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
550458 , Y_N tubb6 tubulin, beta 6 class V
553656 , Y hrasb HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase b
554127 , Y tubb2 tubulin, beta 2A class IIa
555576 , P grm1a glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1a
556286 , N sos1 son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
556339 , Y LOC556339 cGMP-dependent protein kinase 2-like
557026 , P adcy1a adenylate cyclase 1a
557109 , N raf1b Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase b
557191 , Y gucy1b2 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 2
557194 , P adrb1 adrenoceptor beta 1
557353 , Y gnas GNAS complex locus
557902 , P adcy2b adenylate cyclase 2b (brain)
558321 , N map3k2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
558552 , N tubb1 tubulin, beta 1 class VI
559529 , P pdgfrb platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide
559806 , P htr2ab 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A, genome duplicate b
560410 , P si:ch211-132f19.7 si:ch211-132f19.7
560564 , S pdgfc platelet derived growth factor c
560719 , P si:dkey-206f10.1 si:dkey-206f10.1
560807 , P adcy6b adenylate cyclase 6b
560808 , P htr2aa 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A, genome duplicate a
561670 , Y sos2 son of sevenless homolog 2 (Drosophila)
562585 , P itpr2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2
562619 , P adcy5 adenylate cyclase 5
563147 , M prkacbb protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, beta b
563181 , Y map2k2a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2a
563724 , P adcy2a adenylate cyclase 2a
563953 , K gna11a guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11a (Gq class)
564064 , Y_M prkacaa protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, alpha, genome duplicate a
565459 , N tjp1b tight junction protein 1b
565638 , P gja1a gap junction protein alpha 1a
566430 , Y prkg1b protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1b
567611 , P itpr1a inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 1a
568126 , P drd1b dopamine receptor D1b
568406 , P grm5a glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5a
568726 , P adcy7 adenylate cyclase 7
569376 , N plcb2 phospholipase C, beta 2
569499 , P adcy1b adenylate cyclase 1b
570108 , K gnaq guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide
570652 , P adcy6a adenylate cyclase 6a
571431 , S LOC571431 epidermal growth factor receptor-like
571825 , P adcy3a adenylate cyclase 3a
572372 , P gjd1a gap junction protein delta 1a
573122 , K tuba1c tubulin, alpha 1c
573216 , K tuba1a tubulin, alpha 1a
641421 , Y tubb2b tubulin, beta 2b
641561 , K zgc:123298 zgc:123298
641565 , Y_N zgc:123292 zgc:123292
751784 , P htr2b 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2B, G protein-coupled
767746 , Y_N tubb4bl tubulin, beta 4B class IVb-like
767790 , S pdgfab platelet-derived growth factor alpha polypeptide b
767806 , Y zgc:153264 zgc:153264
792024 , K tuba8l5 tubulin, alpha 8 like 5
792634 , P drd1a dopamine receptor D1a
794666 , P itpr3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 3
795591 , K si:ch211-114n24.6 si:ch211-114n24.6
796490 , S pdgfbb platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide b
798657 , S si:ch211-79m20.1 si:ch211-79m20.1
100000981 , P htr2cl1 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C, G protein-coupled-like 1
100001532 , N plcb3 phospholipase C, beta 3 (phosphatidylinositol-specific)
100002225 , Y map2k2b mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2b
100003514 , M prkcg protein kinase C, gamma
100005880 , P gjd6 gap junction protein delta 6
100006675 , Y prkcba protein kinase C, beta a
100006888 , Y gnai3 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 3
100007679 , Y_N map2k5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
100125912 , N prkg2 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 2
100148976 , P adcy8 adenylate cyclase 8 (brain)
100149080 , N LOC100149080 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-1-like
100149388 , P itpr1b inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 1b
100150246 , P grm1b glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1b
100150304 , Y gucy1b1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
100330875 , Y_N gucy1a2 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 2
100331216 , P LOC100331216 gap junction delta-2 protein-like
100332913 , P grm5b glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5b
100333702 , P adcy9 adenylate cyclase 9
100333967 , Y prkcab protein kinase C, alpha, b
100535718 , S pdgfd platelet derived growth factor d
100537538 , N LOC100537538 phospholipase C beta 4
101884360 , P LOC101884360 adenylate cyclase type 9-like
103909601 , LOC103909601 platelet-derived growth factor subunit A

List of genes in mcc

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
574113 , Y_N TUBB tubulin beta class I
574194 , K TUBA1A tubulin alpha 1a
613027 , S EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
613032 , P HTR2A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
693523 , P ADCY3 adenylate cyclase 3
693889 , Y_N TUBB1 tubulin beta 1 class VI
694181 , P DRD2 dopamine receptor D2
694289 , Y LOC694289 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha
694725 , N RAF1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
694730 , P ADCY7 adenylate cyclase 7
695328 , P ADCY2 adenylate cyclase 2
695792 , P ADCY8 adenylate cyclase 8
696308 , Y_N PRKG2 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 2
697002 , S PDGFRA platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
697230 , P ADCY1 adenylate cyclase 1
697250 , P GJD2 gap junction protein delta 2
697796 , P DRD1 dopamine receptor D1
698569 , Y MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
698619 , E EGF epidermal growth factor
698736 , P GRM1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 1
698830 , Y HRAS HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase
699231 , P LOC699231 uncharacterized LOC699231
699269 , Y CDK1 cyclin dependent kinase 1
699310 , Y GNAI3 G protein subunit alpha i3
699365 , Y GUCY1A1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
700236 , S PDGFC platelet derived growth factor C
700652 , Y PRKACG protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit gamma
701057 , Y SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase
701195 , Y_N PRKCB protein kinase C beta
701951 , N PLCB2 phospholipase C beta 2
702041 , Y GRB2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
702583 , Y TUBA4A tubulin alpha 4a
702837 , N MAPK7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
703019 , Y_N TUBB4A tubulin beta 4A class IVa
703173 , S PDGFB platelet derived growth factor subunit B
703356 , Y PRKG1 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1
703669 , P ITPR1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1
703780 , Y GNAI2 G protein subunit alpha i2
704310 , S PDGFD platelet derived growth factor D
705445 , P GRM5 glutamate metabotropic receptor 5
705601 , N SOS2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
705680 , K GNAQ G protein subunit alpha q
706615 , N GUCY1A2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 2
706789 , P ADCY9 adenylate cyclase 9
707215 , K LOC707215 tubulin alpha-3 chain
707725 , N PDGFA platelet derived growth factor subunit A
707977 , M KRAS KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
707978 , P ADCY6 adenylate cyclase 6
708141 , P HTR2C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C
708415 , Y TUBB2B tubulin beta 2B class IIb
708714 , P ITPR2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2
708938 , Y MAPK3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
708940 , Y GNAI1 G protein subunit alpha i1
708952 , Y LOC708952 tubulin beta-8 chain-like
709089 , Y NRAS NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
709208 , P LPAR1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
709331 , Y TUBB8 tubulin beta 8 class VIII
709643 , K TUBA1B tubulin alpha 1b
709728 , Y_M PRKACB protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
710110 , K LOC710110 tubulin alpha-1C chain
710378 , K TUBA8 tubulin alpha 8
710415 , Y MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
711353 , P PDGFRB platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
711672 , Y MAP2K5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
711808 , P HTR2B 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
712533 , Y LOC712533 tubulin beta-8 chain-like
713777 , N SOS1 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
714344 , P GJA1 gap junction protein alpha 1
714684 , P ADCY4 adenylate cyclase 4
715897 , P ADCY5 adenylate cyclase 5
717764 , N PLCB3 phospholipase C beta 3
718034 , K TUBA3E tubulin alpha 3e
718040 , P ITPR3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3
718387 , N PLCB1 phospholipase C beta 1
718412 , Y PRKCA protein kinase C alpha
718418 , N PLCB4 phospholipase C beta 4
718632 , M PRKACA protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha
719479 , N CSNK1D casein kinase 1 delta
720263 , Y PRKCG protein kinase C gamma
720550 , N TJP1 tight junction protein 1
720677 , M LOC720677 tubulin beta-8 chain-like
721649 , Y GNA11 G protein subunit alpha 11
721821 , M MAP2K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
722506 , K TUBAL3 tubulin alpha like 3
722862 , Y LOC722862 tubulin beta-8 chain
722929 , Y LOC722929 tubulin beta-2A chain
100424131 , N MAP3K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
100424899 , M LOC100424899 neuroendocrine secretory protein 55
100424944 , Y GUCY1B1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
100425863 , Y_N TUBB4B tubulin beta 4B class IVb
100426598 , P ADRB1 adrenoceptor beta 1
106996033 , Y LOC106996033 tubulin beta-8 chain-like
114673584 , Y LOC114673584 guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-2-like
114673745 , Y_N TUBB6 tubulin beta 6 class V

List of genes in cfa

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
403418 , P GJA1 gap junction protein alpha 1
403556 , Y_M PRKACA protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha
403657 , P EGF epidermal growth factor
403701 , P DRD2 dopamine receptor D2
403735 , Y HRAS HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase
403752 , N TJP1 tight junction protein 1
403859 , P ADCY5 adenylate cyclase 5
403871 , Y KRAS KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
403872 , Y NRAS NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
403881 , P HTR2B 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
403882 , P HTR2A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
403914 , Y GNA11 G protein subunit alpha 11
403928 , Y GNAQ G protein subunit alpha q
403943 , Y GNAS GNAS complex locus
404306 , S EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
442860 , P PDGFRA platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
442957 , Y GNAI2 G protein subunit alpha i2
442985 , P PDGFRB platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
442986 , S PDGFB platelet derived growth factor subunit B
450240 , P HTR2C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C
474800 , P LPAR1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
474830 , Y_N TUBB tubulin beta class I
475928 , N CSNK1D casein kinase 1 delta
476034 , N PLCB3 phospholipase C beta 3
476548 , P ITPR1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1
477160 , N PLCB4 phospholipase C beta 4
477570 , K LOC477570 tubulin alpha-3 chain
477575 , Y MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
477625 , P ADCY6 adenylate cyclase 6
478227 , Y GNAI1 G protein subunit alpha i1
478347 , Y MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
478624 , P ADCY2 adenylate cyclase 2
478701 , Y TUBB2A tubulin beta 2A class IIa
478702 , Y LOC478702 tubulin beta-2B chain
478918 , K TUBA4A tubulin alpha 4a
479455 , Y GUCY1A2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 2
479460 , S PDGFD platelet derived growth factor D
479975 , Y PRKACB protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
480213 , Y_N TUBB6 tubulin beta 6 class V
480271 , P ADCY4 adenylate cyclase 4
481746 , P ITPR3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3
482045 , P ADCY8 adenylate cyclase 8
482663 , Y GUCY1A1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
482666 , S PDGFC platelet derived growth factor C
482994 , P ADCY3 adenylate cyclase 3
483312 , Y GRB2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
484024 , P GRM1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 1
484648 , N RAF1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
485146 , P GRM5 glutamate metabotropic receptor 5
485435 , Y LOC485435 guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-2-like
485773 , N PLCB1 phospholipase C beta 1
485864 , Y SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase
485950 , N TUBB1 tubulin beta 1 class VI
486628 , P ITPR2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2
486762 , M TUBA8 tubulin alpha 8
487148 , K TUBAL3 tubulin alpha like 3
487289 , P ADCY7 adenylate cyclase 7
487477 , P GJD2 gap junction protein delta 2
489110 , P DRD1 dopamine receptor D1
489532 , N MAPK7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
489968 , Y_N PRKCB protein kinase C beta
490031 , P ADCY9 adenylate cyclase 9
490682 , N SOS2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
490904 , Y PRKCA protein kinase C alpha
491231 , M LOC491231 tubulin, beta 4B class IVb
491597 , S PDGFA platelet derived growth factor subunit A
493972 , P ADRB1 adrenoceptor beta 1
553102 , Y GUCY1B1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
607357 , P ADCY1 adenylate cyclase 1
608051 , K LOC608051 tubulin alpha-3 chain
609559 , Y MAP2K5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
609616 , Y PRKG1 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1
610636 , K LOC610636 tubulin alpha-1B chain
611810 , Y GNAI3 G protein subunit alpha i3
611939 , M MAP2K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
612902 , N MAP3K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
100855815 , Y_N TUBB4A tubulin beta 4A class IVa
100855828 , Y PRKCG protein kinase C gamma
100855877 , Y MAPK3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
100855930 , N PRKG2 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 2
100855995 , Y LOC100855995 tubulin alpha chain-like
100856079 , Y CDK1 cyclin dependent kinase 1
100856190 , Y PLCB2 phospholipase C beta 2
100856405 , K TUBA1C tubulin alpha 1c
102153202 , Y_N TUBB4B tubulin beta 4B class IVb
102154194 , Y TUBB3 tubulin beta 3 class III
106557476 , K LOC106557476 tubulin alpha-1A chain
119866377 , K LOC119866377 tubulin alpha-1B chain

List of genes in fca

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
493971 , P ADRB1 adrenoceptor beta 1
493978 , P EGF epidermal growth factor
751103 , Y HRAS HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase
751104 , M KRAS KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
751105 , Y NRAS NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
100135774 , S PDGFB platelet derived growth factor subunit B
100188929 , N TUBB1 tubulin beta 1 class VI
100510799 , X EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
101080975 , Y TUBAL3 tubulin alpha like 3
101081108 , P HTR2A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
101081387 , Y MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
101081992 , K LOC101081992 tubulin alpha-1C chain
101082196 , Y PRKCG protein kinase C gamma
101082238 , N TJP1 tight junction protein 1
101084324 , Y_N TUBB4B tubulin beta 4B class IVb
101084600 , S PDGFRB platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
101084876 , Y TUBB2B tubulin beta 2B class IIb
101084984 , S PDGFD platelet derived growth factor D
101085098 , P DRD1 dopamine receptor D1
101086433 , Y PRKCA protein kinase C alpha
101086541 , Y GNA11 G protein subunit alpha 11
101086953 , Y_N TUBB4A tubulin beta 4A class IVa
101087287 , N PDGFA platelet derived growth factor subunit A
101087555 , P ADCY8 adenylate cyclase 8
101087614 , Y MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
101087958 , Y MAPK3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
101087993 , P ITPR3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3
101088157 , P ADCY3 adenylate cyclase 3
101088742 , S PDGFC platelet derived growth factor C
101088847 , N SOS2 SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2
101088970 , Y PRKCB protein kinase C beta
101089435 , Y GUCY1B1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
101089679 , Y GNAI2 G protein subunit alpha i2
101090005 , N PLCB4 phospholipase C beta 4
101090494 , Y PRKACA protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha
101090556 , K LOC101090556 tubulin alpha-3 chain
101090765 , S PDGFRA platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
101090942 , Y_N PLCB2 phospholipase C beta 2
101091211 , P ADCY6 adenylate cyclase 6
101091618 , N PRKG2 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 2
101091895 , P GRM5 glutamate metabotropic receptor 5
101091915 , Y CSNK1D casein kinase 1 delta
101092262 , N PLCB1 phospholipase C beta 1
101092556 , P LPAR1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
101092837 , Y GNAI1 G protein subunit alpha i1
101092961 , N PLCB3 phospholipase C beta 3
101094104 , P GRM1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 1
101094148 , P ADCY7 adenylate cyclase 7
101094327 , P ADCY2 adenylate cyclase 2
101094708 , Y GNAQ G protein subunit alpha q
101095277 , K TUBA4A tubulin alpha 4a
101095353 , Y PRKACB protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta
101095657 , Y_N TUBB tubulin beta class I
101095762 , P HTR2B 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
101095942 , P ADCY9 adenylate cyclase 9
101095985 , P GJD2 gap junction protein delta 2
101096047 , Y RAF1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
101096402 , K LOC101096402 tubulin alpha-1B chain
101096406 , N MAP3K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
101096420 , Y_N TUBB6 tubulin beta 6 class V
101096838 , P DRD2 dopamine receptor D2
101096902 , K LOC101096902 tubulin alpha-1A chain
101097357 , N MAPK7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
101097420 , Y PRKG1 protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1
101097735 , P ADCY4 adenylate cyclase 4
101098377 , Y GUCY1A1 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
101098453 , Y LOC101098453 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha isoforms XLas
101098780 , K TUBA8 tubulin alpha 8
101098862 , N SOS1 SOS Ras/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1
101099268 , Y LOC101099268 tubulin alpha-8 chain
101099494 , N GUCY1A2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 2
101099620 , P HTR2C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C
101099916 , Y GRB2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
101100211 , P GJA1 gap junction protein alpha 1
101100281 , M MAP2K2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2
101100320 , Y GNAI3 G protein subunit alpha i3
101100378 , Y SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase
101100546 , P ITPR1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1
101100725 , Y MAP2K5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
101100749 , P ADCY5 adenylate cyclase 5
101101230 , P ITPR2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2
101101375 , P ADCY1 adenylate cyclase 1
101101592 , Y CDK1 cyclin dependent kinase 1
102899587 , P LOC102899587 gap junction alpha-1 protein-like
102900772 , M LOC102900772 neuroendocrine secretory protein 55
109499596 , Y TUBB2A tubulin beta 2A class IIa

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