ver. 8.1

last update; Jan. 09. 2019

Statistics of COXPRESdb ver. 7.1

Coexpression data

Icon Species Coexpression data version GEO ID ArrayExpress ID Genes Samples GO score (E-4)* KEGG score
Caenorhabditis elegans
Cel-m.c4-0 GPL200 A-AFFY-60 17,256 1,780 4.905 6.479
Cel-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 13,690 1,546 4.958 6.622
Cel-u.c1-0 18,947 3,326 5.357 6.907
Canis lupus familiaris
Cfa-m.c3-0 GPL3738 A-AFFY-149 16,214   777 1.292 3.332
Cfa-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,303   253 1.677 4.402
Cfa-u.c1-0 19,530 1,030 1.598 4.230
Drosophila melanogaster
Dme-m.c4-0 GPL1322 A-AFFY-35 12,626 4,209 4.585 6.906
Dme-r.c2-0 Illumina Illumina 11,937 4,596 4.224 6.494
Dme-u.c1-0 13,856 8,805 4.719 7.104
Danio rerio
Dre-m.c4-0 GPL1319 A-AFFY-38 10,112 1,423 6.108 8.490
Dre-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 18,446 3,049 5.001 6.124
Dre-u.c1-0 20,643 4,472 5.291 6.624
Gallus gallus
Gga-m.c4-0 GPL3213 A-AFFY-301 13,757 1,502 1.858 3.460
Gga-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,554 698 1.994 4.773
Gga-u.c1-0 17,621 2200 2.070 4.663
Homo sapiens
Hsa-m.c5-0 GPL570 A-AFFY-44 20,283 14,347 2.145 3.876
Hsa-m2.c3-0 GPL6244 A-AFFY-141 20,199 27,655 2.628 4.927
Hsa-r.c3-0 Illumina Illumina 16,732 36,368 2.811 5.934
Hsa-u.c1-0 22,004 56,567 2.930 5.676
Macaca mulatta
Mcc-m.c3-0 GPL3535 A-AFFY-145 15,782 1,006 2.429
Mcc-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,050 1,205 3.374
Mcc-u.c1-0 20,198 2,211 3.263
Mus musculus
Mmu-m.c4-0 GPL1261 A-AFFY-45 20,962 42,916 3.041 5.957
Mmu-r.c3-0 Illumina Illumina 16,474 42,681 3.323 6.365
Mmu-u.c1-0 22,278 63,643 3.468 6.579
Rattus norvegicus
Rno-m.c4-0 GPL1355 A-AFFY-43 13,751 42,752 2.227 6.334
Rno-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,410 2,368 2.461 5.616
Rno-u.c1-0 17,352 16,119 2.673 6.514
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sce-m.c3-0 GPL2529 A-AFFY-47 4,461 3,593 4.214 9.461
Sce-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 5,674 1,205 3.825 7.620
Sce-u.c1-0 5,711 4,798 4.403 8.647
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Spo-m.c3-0 GPL2529 A-AFFY-47 4,881   166 2.528 4.089
Spo-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 5,310   143 2.678 4.794
Spo-u.c1-0 5,713   309 3.133 5.289

All coexpression data are downloadable. [Link]

Old Coexpression data

COXPRESdb ver. 7.0
Icon Species Coexpression data version GEO ID ArrayExpress ID Genes Samples GO score (E-4)* KEGG score
Caenorhabditis elegans
Cel-m.c4-0 GPL200 A-AFFY-60 17,256 1,780 4.905 6.479
Cel-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 13,690 1,546 4.958 6.622
Canis lupus familiaris
Cfa-m.c3-0 GPL3738 A-AFFY-149 16,214   777 1.292 3.332
Cfa-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,303   253 1.677 4.402
Drosophila melanogaster
Dme-m.c4-0 GPL1322 A-AFFY-35 12,626 4,209 4.585 6.906
Dme-r.c2-0 Illumina Illumina 11,937 4,596 4.224 6.494
Danio rerio
Dre-m.c4-0 GPL1319 A-AFFY-38 10,112 1,423 6.108 8.490
Dre-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 18,446 3,049 5.001 6.124
Gallus gallus
Gga-m.c4-0 GPL3213 A-AFFY-301 13,757 1,502 1.858 3.460
Gga-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,554 698 1.994 4.773
Homo sapiens
Hsa-m.c5-0 GPL570 A-AFFY-44 20,283 14,347 2.145 3.876
Hsa-m2.c3-0 GPL6244 A-AFFY-141 20,199 27,655 2.628 4.927
Hsa-r.c2-0 Illumina Illumina 17,067 10,485 2.736 5.973
Macaca mulatta
Mcc-m.c3-0 GPL3535 A-AFFY-145 15,782 1,006 2.429
Mcc-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,050 1,205 3.374
Mus musculus
Mmu-m.c4-0 GPL1261 A-AFFY-45 20,962 42,916 3.041 5.957
Illumina Illumina 17,095 7,278 2.922 6.054
Rattus norvegicus
Rno-m.c4-0 GPL1355 A-AFFY-43 13,751 42,752 2.227 6.334
Rno-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 15,410 2,368 2.461 5.616
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sce-m.c3-0 GPL2529 A-AFFY-47 4,461 3,593 4.214 9.461
Sce-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 5.674 1,205 3.825 7.620
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Spo-m.c3-0 GPL2529 A-AFFY-47 4,881   166 2.528 4.089
Spo-r.c1-0 Illumina Illumina 5,310   143 2.678 4.794

All coexpression data are downloadable. [Link]

COXPRESdb ver. 6.0
Icon Species Coexpression data version Platform ArrayExpress Genes Samples GO score (E-4)* Codon score (E-2) * Reproducibility score (E-1) *
Caenorhabditis elegans
GPL200 A-AFFY-60 17,256 1,528 4.2 2.5 2.8
Canis lupus familiaris
GPL3738 A-AFFY-149 16,211   636 1.7 1.3
Drosophila melanogaster
GPL1322 A-AFFY-35 12,626 4,741 5.2 2.2 2.5
RNAseq RNAseq 13,099 754 4.3 2.3 2.5
Danio rerio
GPL1319 A-AFFY-38 10,112 1,727 1.6 1.2
Gallus gallus
GPL3213 A-AFFY-301 13,757 1,301 1.7 1.2
Homo sapiens
GPL570 A-AFFY-44 19,803 73,083 2.6 1.8 2.7
GPL6244 A-AFFY-141 19,788 12,640 3.1 3.0 3.1
RNAseq RNAseq 19,816 5,626 2.8 2.3 2.7
Macaca mulatta
GPL3535 A-AFFY-145 15,781   875 1.8 1.5 1.2
Mus musculus
GPL1261 A-AFFY-45 20,403 31,479 3.2 1.8 2.3
RNAseq RNAseq 19,453 3,746 3.0 2.0 2.2
Rattus norvegicus
GPL1355 A-AFFY-43 13,751 27,481 2.5 1.5 1.7
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
GPL2529 A-AFFY-47 4,461 3,819 6.3 2.8 3.4
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
GPL2529 A-AFFY-47 4,881   224 2.0 2.6

All coexpression data are downloadable. [Link]

Locus page

Species All pages with a network with a network
including KEGG annotation
with a network
including PPI
Total (ver.5.0) 145,038 53,957 38,830 6,867
Total (ver.4.1) 153,243 54,564 53,191 3,882
Human 43,617 19,803
Mouse 58,203 20,403    
Rat 43,218 13,751      

Most of the gene networks in locus page include common KEGG pathways.

Gene Ontology category page

Gene list Gene network
Pages (ver.5) 11,692 3,886
Pages (ver.4.1) 9,486 2,309


Human Mouse Rat
Genes with PPI data (ver.5) 11,521   2,180     943
Genes with PPI data (ver.4.1) 10,694   1,718     877

PPI data are derived from HPRD and IntAct.