Publication for Plk4 and Mad2l1

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Plk4 polo like kinase 4 20873 [link]
mmu Mad2l1 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 56150

Pubmed ID Priority Text
20862286 0.98 Plk4, Aurka, and Mad2L1.
21272156 0.97 mad2l1, mad1l1, fzr1, plk4, bub1b, bub3, bub1, and cenpe cause aneuploidy in cells derived from heterozygous mice.
20094045 0.94 Mad2l1 [REF. ], Mad1l1 (REF.), Fzr1 (which encodes CDH1), Plk4 (REF.) and a hypomorphic allele of Bub1 (REF.) all lead to moderate levels of aneuploidy and an increase in the incidence of spontaneous late-onset tumours of lymphoid origin and tumours in some epithelial tissues (especially lung and liver) in mice.

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