Publication for Rpl13a and Rps3

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Rpl13a ribosomal protein L13A 22121 [link]
mmu Rps3 ribosomal protein S3 27050

Pubmed ID Priority Text
23990801 0.96 Rpl13a, and Rps3 have extra-ribosomal functions, which will have to be considered as mechanistic links are sought to explain diseases associated with RP mutations and possibly age-related phenotypes.
30728824 0.92 Rpl13a, Rps3; Fold-change: +1.75, +1.53, +1.48, +1.31, +1.24, +1.23, respectively) along with translation factors (Eif2s2, Eif3a, Eif3l, Eif2s1, Eif3f, Eif4a1, Eef2; Fold-change: +2.61, +2.53, +1.67, +1.53, +1.46, +1.30, +1.28, respectively).
27897204 0.60 RPL13A, RPL41, RPL27A, RPLP0, RPL5, RPL11, RPL30, 60S ribosomal subunit, HSP90AA1, HSP, HSP90AB1, HSPA9, ENO1, 14-3-3, YWHAZ, RPS3, Tubulin, SAT1, GNB2L1, EIF4A, EIF4A1, TUBB, YWHAE, NOP56, PAPOLA) (Fig. 7b).

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