Publication for Hnrnpab and Srsf2

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Hnrnpab heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B 15384 [link]
mmu Srsf2 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 2 20382

Pubmed ID Priority Text
25589899 0.95 hnRNP A2/B21 in lung tumors), can carry frequent activating mutations (e.g.: SRSF2, SF3b1 and others in Myelodysplasia) or, like SRSF1, can directly behave as powerful single-agent oncogenes in mouse models and are found to be amplified in some tumors.
30057276 0.89 Hnrnpab, Hnrnpu, Pcbp1, Eif3b, Yrdc, Ythdf1, Srsf2, and Ybx1) and chromatin-associated factors (Smarcd2, Smarca5, Smarcc1, Trim28, and Ezh2).

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