Publication for Srsf2 and Srsf1

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Srsf2 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 2 20382 [link]
mmu Srsf1 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 1 110809

Pubmed ID Priority Text
23008758 0.98 SC35 (SRSF2) and ASF/SF2 (SRSF1), drives E24a skipping in most cell types.
0.98 SC35 and ASF/SF2 was to decrease the basal level of exon inclusion (from 74% in wild type CASK E24a to 42 and 44% in del1 and del2, resp.) indicating potential roles for these intronic regions in splicing enhancement.
0.98 SC35 and ASF/SF2 are negative regulators of CASK E24a.
0.98 SC35 and ASF/SF2 are differentially affected by the deletion of cognate motifs in the downstream intron.
0.97 SC35, we verify that ASF/SF2 induces exon skipping of E24a through a cluster of downstream intronic motifs and demonstrate that hnRNP H, CUGBP2, Nova, and PTB exert silencing effects consistent with the arrangement of highly conserved motifs in this neighborhood.
0.96 SC35, and/or ASF/SF2 may contribute to the splicing change observed under depolarizing conditions.
0.95 SC35, and ASF/SF2 relative to control samples lacking protein expression plasmid (Figure 5(b), lanes 1-7).
0.94 SC35 and ASF/SF2 Results in an Increase in E24a Inclusion
0.88 SC35, ASF/SF2, and hnRNP H silencing motifs.
0.69 ASF/SF2, the exon silencing effects of SC35 cannot be pinpointed to sequences within the del1 or del2 regions of the downstream intron.
0.64 SC35 (change of -32.9%) and a relatively weaker silencing role for ASF/SF2 (change of -17.9%), in good agreement with the arrangement of cognate motifs in the neighborhood of E24a and flanking introns.
28377597 0.98 SF2/ASF), 9G8, SC35, and SRp55, and modulates their function in the regulation of tau exon 10 inclusion in vitro .
0.98 ASF, SRp55, SC35, and 9G8, regulate the alternative splicing of tau exon 10 and Dyrk1A phosphorylates them and modulates their function in tau exon 10 splicing.
0.98 ASF, SC35 and SRp55, and suppresses their function.
0.98 ASF and SC35 are important splicing factors to promote tau exon 10 inclusion.
0.97 ASF and SC35 are regulated by phosphorylation.
22461767 0.98 SC35 and ASF/SF2 general splicing factors.
0.98 SC35, ASF/SF2, HuD and Pum2) and at least one miR (miR-132) play integral roles in controlling AChE expression in cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons under various physiological contexts (see above).
0.97 SC35 and ASF/SF2, have been found to inversely affect AChER versus AChET expression (Meshorer et al.,).
28158451 0.98 SRSF1), Serine/Arginine-Rich Splicing Factor 2 (SRSF2) and Nucleolin (NCL) bind (G4C2)n RNA, and co-localise with (G4C2)n RNA foci in C9ORF72-ALS cells.
0.94 SRSF1, SRSF2 and NCL with the (G4C2)n RNA foci, which is consistent with both C9ORF72-ALS/FTD CNS tissue, and other cellular models expressing the (G4C2)n repeat expansion.
0.70 SRSF1 puncta; 11.9% co-localised with SRSF2 puncta; and 22.6% co-localized with nucleolar NCL (Fig. 4A-C).
18218118 0.98 Sfrs1, Sfrs2, Sfrs3, Sf3b in both primary and metastatic tumors compared to normal pancreas.
0.83 sfrs1, and sfrs2 (please see Table 1 for their full names) showed 5-20 fold higher expression levels, very few showed exceptionally high fold changes, for example calcium binding protein-S100g showed 109 fold higher expression level in PT than in NP.
23973289 0.98 Srsf1- and Srsf2-null mice indicates that although multiple SR proteins are expressed in the heart, they play distinct roles in cardiac development.
0.96 Srsf1- and Srsf2-null mice are healthy at birth, but develop early onset cardiomyopathy within the first four weeks of life, corresponding to the period of postnatal remodeling.
28934490 0.98 SRSF1 and SRSF2 exhibit extensive overlap in their RNA targets and that loss of RNA binding by one SR protein induces compensatory changes in RNA binding by another SR protein.
0.89 SRSF1-like (one RRM and one pseudo-RRM), (ii) SRSF2-like (one RRM) and (iii) SRSF7-like (one RRM and one 'zinc knuckle').
17298175 0.98 ASF/SF2 and SC35, have been shown to function as positive regulators of the CI cassette exon at the level of splicing.
21925157 0.98 SF2/ASF (SFRS1) and SC35 (SFRS2) as important contributors to alternative splicing in muscle.
22232745 0.98 ASF/SF2 and SC35, which themselves are regulated by kinases such as SRPK1.
23177736 0.98 SC35 (SC35-pi) (serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2), SM (Smith antigen), and ASF/SF2 (alternative splicing factor/splicing factor 2) in nuclear speckles (Figures 2B and S2C).
23536862 0.98 SRSF1, SRSF2 and SRSF7, are upregulated during erythroid differentiation of mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) cells (Huang et al. (2000) Blood 96: 592a; abstr.).
23621913 0.98 Sfrs1, Sfrs3, Sfrs4, Sfrs7, Sfrs9, and Sfrs10) and RNA-binding proteins (Fus and Tardbp), suggesting a prominent role for RNA function and metabolism components in proliferating embryonic radial glia / NSCs.
24098136 0.98 SF2/ASF and SC35, which were shown previously to effect alternative splicing of beta-tropomyosin in a tissue-specific manner.
25761764 0.98 ASF/SF2 and SC35 were initially regarded as potential candidates that regulate the transition of embryonic to adult splice programs, it is now clear that the MBNL1 and CUG-BP1, which plays an opposing role to MBNL1, play a central role in this phenomenon.
26134847 0.98 SRSF1 and SRSF2 in the murine embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cell line led to a decrease in total nascent mRNA, suggesting their role in transcriptional activation.
27199986 0.98 arginine/serine splicing factor (ASF) and SRSF2, and the heterogeneous nuclear RNP hnRNPL are primarily responsible for alternative splicing of the CD45 pre-mRNA.
30925751 0.98 SRSF1, SRSF2, SRSF5, and SRSF6 have all been reported to play a role in VEGF-A alternative splicing.
23308182 0.97 ASF/SF2 (SFSR1) and SC35 (SFSR2) proteins, SR proteins known to function in constitutive splicing and alternative splicing.
0.82 SFRS1 and SFRS2 phosphorylation by Clk1-S139A.
24418409 0.97 ASF/SF2 and SC35 promote tau exon 10 inclusion by acting on SC35-like enhancer and poly-purine enhancer at 5' end of exon 10.
0.97 ASF, 9G8, and SC35 and modulates their function.
20573213 0.97 SC35 , Asf2/Sf2 and SRp20 .
21921927 0.97 SRSF1 or SRSF2 beginning around E8.5, had a delayed effect on mouse postnatal heart development with most animals exhibiting splicing abnormalities by two weeks of age and developing dilated cardiomyopathy within eight weeks (Figure 3).
22840402 0.97 SRSF1 and SRSF2) and other nuclear proteins to regulate cell and tissue-specific gene expression and/or pre-mRNA splicing.
23152763 0.97 SRSF2 or EGFP-SRSF1 and treated for 6 hours with either high KCl concentrations (DEPOL) or TSA, showed an increase in the accumulation of the tagged splicing factors in enlarged speckles in comparison to control cells (Fig. 1A, arrowheads).
24394885 0.97 serine-arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SF2), and serine-arginine-rich splicing factor 2 (SC35).
24807918 0.97 SRSF1, SRSF2, or SRSF3 have embryonic-lethal phenotypes.
22848846 0.96 ASF, Srp55, Srp75, Srp30, SC35) were identified at the global protein level or at the phosphorylation level depending on the brain regions explored as well as a result of aging.
29741478 0.96 SRSF1 and SRSF2, SRSF3 depletion did not result in increased gammaH2Ax levels marking DNA double stranded breaks (Figure 2H), suggesting that SRSF3 loss does not lead to genomic instability.
23562324 0.95 SRSF1 and SRSF2 often bind to the same exons, we were further surprised by the apparently specialized functions of SR proteins in including discrete sets of exons in the mouse transcriptome.
0.60 SFRS1) and 8% (SFRS2) of tags have one or more internal deletions, the former being somewhat lower than the fractions (8-20%) reported for Nova and Ago2 CLIP tags by Darnell and colleagues.
24406341 0.94 SRSF2 with another prototypical SR protein SRSF1 and found that, while this related SR protein shows similar RNA and DNA interaction patterns in the mouse genome as SRSF2, it does not directly activate transcription when tethered to a nascent RNA near the 5' end.
9151692 0.93 SF2/ASF, B52, X16, and PR264/ SC35, whose CS-RBDs make a cluster in the phylogenetic tree, have a serine-arginine-rich domain and are splicing factors.
25589899 0.93 SRSF2, SF3b1 and others in Myelodysplasia) or, like SRSF1, can directly behave as powerful single-agent oncogenes in mouse models and are found to be amplified in some tumors.
22326271 0.92 SF2/ASF and SC35.
21296756 0.91 ASF/SF2 or SC35, in the germ line of mice leads to embryonic lethality before day 7.5.
23437181 0.89 SRSF1- or SRSF2-knockout mice (Figure 1B).
0.87 SRSF1 and SRSF2 knockout mice.
0.78 SRSF1- and SRSF2-knockout mice, more than three quarters (23 out of 30) were not significantly affected in either line of MHC-CELFDelta mice.
19386262 0.81 SC35 or ASF/SF2 had little effect on cardiac development, instead resulting in cardiomyopathy in adult mice.
22014568 0.79 Srsf1 develop severe dilated cardiomyopathy leading to death by 6-8 weeks of life while cardiac-specific Srsf2 knockout mice develop a milder cardiomyopathy and have a relatively normal life-span.
25412662 0.72 SRSF1 and GA-rich motif for SRSF2 binding, we found that m6A motifs can also serve as SRSF1- (UGGAC, P = 1e-547;
30514857 0.66 SRSF1, SRSF2, PTBP1 and various HNRNPs (Fig. 2C), suggesting that the candidate proteins contained true partners and were not artefacts of shotgun proteomics.

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