Publication for Hexa and Lamp1

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Hexa hexosaminidase A 15211 [link]
mmu Lamp1 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 16783

Pubmed ID Priority Text
31123254 0.98 Lamp1, Hexa, Gns, Tmem55b and Atp6v1h.
0.98 Lamp1, Gns, Hexa, Tmem55b, and Atp6v1h (Fig. 7c).
21317392 0.98 Hexa/b, Lamp1/2 (CD107a/b), Acp2, Prf1, Psap, Lgmn, ctsb/c/h/l/z (cathepsin B/C/H/L/Z)) suggesting that cells expressing IL-10 also exhibited a highly activated pro-inflammatory transcriptional profile.
29491374 0.98 Hexa, Lamp1, Lamp2, Naglu, Neu1, Psap, Scpep1, Sgsh, Tmem55b, and Tpp1 in IL-4-conditioned macrophages (Supplementary Fig. 9e).
29929528 0.96 LAMP-1 and GCase activity remained unchanged in Grn+/- mice at 5- to 6-months of age (Fig. 4a, c), we observed significantly increased HexA (Fig. 4b) and Gusb (Fig. 4d) activity in the frontal cortex, showing that Grn+/- mice exhibit lysosomal abnormalities around the same age that behavioral deficits begin to develop.
0.94 HexA (Fig. 4f) and Gusb (Fig. 4h) activity, as well as increased LAMP-1 levels (Fig. 4e) and GCase activity (Fig. 4g).
0.92 LAMP-1 levels (e, ** = ANOVA effect of Grn, p = 0.0072), HexA activity (f, **** = ANOVA effect of Grn, p < 0.0001), GCase activity (g, * = ANOVA effect of Grn, p = 0.0179), and Gusb activity (h, ANOVA effect of Grn, p < 0.0001).
0.77 LAMP-1 levels (Fig. 4e), HexA activity (Fig. 4b, f), and GCase activity (Fig. 4g) of Grn+/- mice, leading us to conclude that Tmem106b reduction does not normalize the lysosomal dysfunction of Grn+/- mice.
0.67 LAMP-1 and activity of HexA and GCase in Grn+/- mice.
0.64 LAMP-1 levels and the activity of HexA, GCase, and Gusb in frontal cortex samples from 5- to 6-month-old and 12-month-old mice to assess lysosomal abnormalities in Grn+/- mice in the early and established stages of abnormal behavior.
0.56 LAMP-1 levels (a) or GCase activity (c), but increased HexA activity (b, **** = ANOVA effect of Grn, p < 0.0001) and Gusb activity (d, ANOVA effect of Grn, p = 0.0009).
19400950 0.96 HEXA, HEXB and LAMP1 were also up-regulated at late time points.
23850290 0.94 HexA), membrane markers (e.g. Cd68, Cd63, Lamp1), components of the lysosomal ATPase (e.g. Atp6v0d1), and a large group of cathepsins (Ctsa, Ctsb, Ctsd, Ctsl, Ctss, Ctsz, and Ctse).
29934589 0.93 HEXA, and lamp1 genes regulated by TFEB in control and GR mutant microglial cultures and found an increase in the mRNA level of lamp1 in the mutant microglial cells compared to controls (p = 0.05) (Fig. 7c).
30862089 0.88 LAMP1, Hexa and mature cathepsin
24468901 0.82 HEXA to the lumen (fraction 1) and LAMP1 (a lysosomal membrane protein) to fraction 2 (Fig. 4B).

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