Publication for Cat and Cyb5a

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Cat catalase 12359 [link]
mmu Cyb5a cytochrome b5 type A (microsomal) 109672

Pubmed ID Priority Text
21503947 0.98 catalase, GSTmu1 and GSTpi1, UCCR, cytochrome b-5, glyoxylase 1, MUPs; ADRP, FPP and L-FABP (Table S3), confirming the constitutive UPR and impaired energy metabolism at protein levels in LGKO.
0.89 catalase and GSTmu1 and GSTpi1; inflammation resulting from NFkappaB and CREBH activations, impaired insulin signaling by abnormal phosphorylation of IRS1; impaired energy metabolism mediated by UCCR, cytochrome b-5, and glyoxylase 1.
24378582 0.97 cytochrome B5 (CYB5), and cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A), or increased production of antioxidant substances including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), and metallothioneins that help protect liver mitochondria.

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