Publication for Anxa2 and Anxa1

Species Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID Gene
mmu Anxa2 annexin A2 12306 [link]
mmu Anxa1 annexin A1 16952

Pubmed ID Priority Text
22453828 0.98 annexin A1 and annexin A2 have been shown to interact with dysferlin in promoting skeletal muscle sarcolemmal wound repair.
22792315 0.98 annexin A1 knockout mice, it was reported that the annexin A2 protein is upregulated but not taking over all annexin A1 functions.
23415230 0.98 AnxA1, another annexin family member, and of S100B, another S100 family member, were not altered in the brain of p11 KO mice, indicating the specificity of the physiological interaction between p11 and AnxA2 in the brain (Figure 1A).
26644517 0.98 annexin A1 or annexin A2, which interacts with filaggrin and has chaperone activity, indicate a barrier rescue response in utero in the absence of KIF.
27773702 0.98 Anxa1 and Anxa2), cellular membrane binding proteins that are important for promoting migration of SCs, demonstrated a different expression profile and peaked in the middle period (48-72 hr).
31379590 0.98 Annexin A1 is the first to accumulate at the injury site and is shed by the damaged plasma membrane by action of Annexin A2-mediated actin polymerization (Jaiswal et al.,).
21468022 0.97 annexin-A1 (AnxA1) and A2 (AnxA2), have also been implicated in membrane repair, although their roles remain to be elucidated.
0.97 AnxA1 (ref.), AnxA2 (ref.) and AnxA5 (ref.), respectively, can indeed be understood in the context of a global machinery protecting cells against damages resulting from membrane rupture.
0.96 AnxA1, AnxA2 and AnxA5, which possess anti-inflammatory, pro-fibrinolytic and anti-thrombotic activities, respectively.
0.96 AnxA1 or AnxA2 on plasma membranes of ionomycin-treated cells and speculated that such assemblies participate in membrane repair.
22848640 0.97 AnxA1 and AnxA2, comprising an exposed loop (aa 49-53) and two alpha-helices buried in the core of AnxA2, significantly affected PCSK9 binding (Figure S4C,D).
0.96 AnxA1 aa 40-42, 43-45 or 46-48 into AnxA2 only moderately affects PCSK9 binding, suggesting that the N-terminal residues of the first alpha-helix (aa 34-39) of AnxA2 are critical for its interaction.
31727937 0.97 ANXA1, ANXA2) and the cell cycle (e.g., MCM family proteins) were down-regulated.
0.97 ANXA1 and ANXA2 are involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and are implicated in insulin sensitivity.
21718755 0.97 Annexin II and III, members of the annexin superfamily of calcium and phospholipid binding proteins, and annexin I, an important mediator of glucocorticoid action are all nitrated in the experimental model of asthma.
22505935 0.97 AnxA1 (the most closely related annexin to AnxA2) have also been shown to be involved in phagocytosis and in linking actin to the phagosome.
24591769 0.97 ANXA1 and ANXA2 during the course of the disease, and this effect is consistent with our previous report of increased F4/80+ macrophage infiltration in the kidney in the mouse model.
26527544 0.97 AnxA2 has been described as a surface binding receptor for a number of different molecules, and predominantly acts as an anti-inflammatory agent largely because of its structural similarities to annexin A1 (AnxA1), which exhibits anti-inflammatory activities in several animal models of inflammation.
26781830 0.97 annexin A1 and annexin A2 in membrane repair, the expression level of both proteins may function as a diagnostic marker for a number of muscle diseases due to the strong correlation between high expression levels of annexin A1 and A2 and the clinical severity of such forms of muscular dystrophies.
27834955 0.97 annexin A1 and annexin A2 in the mouse, and of dysferlin, annexin A1 and mitsugumin 53 in DMD patients independently supports this mechanism and explains how genetic ablation of dysferlin can significantly worsen the phenotype of dystrophin-deficient muscle.
29783989 0.97 AnnexinA1 and AnnexinA2, bound to and immunoprecipitated with SDF1, and Annexin A2 co-localized with SDF1 in the cells.
29950996 0.97 ANXA1 and ANXA2 have been demonstrated to be markedly increased on the apical surface of high-calcium-exposed renal tubular cells as crystal adhesion molecules (Semangoen et al.,).
26935289 0.96 Anxa1 and annexin A2 are known to follow a non-vesicular release pathway, while high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) protein is known to be secreted through a vesicular pathway.
30469530 0.96 Annexin A1 is reported to be a biomarker predicting a poor prognosis of HCC, like annexin A2 and carboxylesterase (CES1).
31160583 0.96 AnxA1 and AnxA2 increase as these mice transition from 2 to 8 months of age.
24333276 0.95 ANXA1 is a novel SSG-modified protein identified in this work, the regulation by S-glutathionylation of ANXA2, another protein in the annexin family, has been previously reported.
23277424 0.94 Anx A1 and A5 but found that siRNA knockdown of Anx A2 did not inhibit myotube formation for Anx A1-/- myoblasts (Fig. S5 A), suggesting that Anx A2 does not play an important role in fusion in murine myoblasts.
26324419 0.93 Anxa1, Anxa2, Anxa4, Anxa5).
10973999 0.92 annexin II, but lacking annexin I, IV, or V. In accordance with our findings, annexin VI was found to be evenly distributed between the detergent-soluble and insoluble fractions.
20373350 0.89 annexin A2 expression was observed in transgenic muscle, with negligible change in annexin A1 levels.
22415004 0.88 annexin A1 and annexin A2:can bind to purified lipid A but that those annexins do not bind to LPS itself.
20821804 0.85 AnxA2, AnxA4 and AnxA5 are upregulated in AnxA1-/- mice (Hannon et al,) in vivo compensation by other annexins might also be involved.
30254199 0.78 Anxa1, Anxa2, Anxa5, or Anxa6 have been generated and used to evaluate the physiological roles of Annexins.
26206886 0.73 Anxa1, Anxa2, S100a4, S100a10 and Capn3, were visualized in Volcano plots in five different comparisons (Supplementary Material, Fig. S2); Myof, Anxa1, Anxa2, S100a4 and S100a10 were significantly upregulated by Fst overexpression while Capn3 was significantly downregulated by Fst overexpression.

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